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A Guide to Repairing Scratched or Damaged Alloy Wheels

Alloy wheels look even more stylish and provide extra power to a car and this is why they are unique for automobile users. However, such wheels are vulnerable to scratching and other sorts of harm that will interfere with the looks and hence the value of your car. This post gives a simple plan to fix the scratched or harmed alloy wheels so that it seems to as like new.

Understanding Alloy Wheel Damage
Alloy wheels are known to be vulnerable to certain impacts which include side curb, potholes among other sources of wear. Categorisation of the type of damage is well important to the type of damage response, namely the method of repair. Some examples of the type of damage are scrape and marks, deep scratching and abrasion respectively. All impact the wheel uniquely and the correct repair process for each must be carried out.

Simple Steps to Repair Your Alloy Wheels
Repairing alloy wheels is easier than many imagine. Here are some easy ways to start:

  • Cleaning the Wheel: Start by cleaning the alloy wheel to remove dirt and compound. This helps to keep the back as a clean place to work on.
  • Sanding the Damaged Area: Rub the areas of the car with sandpaper to reduce the roughness of scratches or gouge. The use of consecutive numbers presents a sequence of starting with a rough structure moving to a smooth mesh.
  • Applying Filler: If the damage is deep then auto filler reinforced with a wire mesh can be used on the surface. Also make sure that the filler has dried up properly before moving on the next stage of the process.
  • Sanding the Filler: After that, allow the filler to dry, and then, using the sandpaper, level the filler in order to ensure that it’s aligned with the remaining wheel surface.
  • Painting: Select a paint that is in line with the colour of the wheel. Paint the area over the repaired area to hide signs of the repair process done to your car.
  • Applying Clear Coat: Last of all, paint a coat of clear varnish, lacquer or any brand of clear coat that will seal the painted section and at the same time provide that glossy sheen that wheels are known for.

Preventing Future Damage
In order to avoid scratching your alloy wheels in future it is advisable to drive extra carefully especially avoiding potholes and curbs. This also has a bearing on the cleaning, and maintenance practises that you adopt because this will help you determine the true state of your wheels as you intend to determine any signs of tear and wear.

Small dents and scratches on your alloy wheels may be a little off putting but are not permanent problems. If equipped with proper equipment and a little time then one can get back the shine of the wheels on his bicycle. For expert assistance and practically all car-related services you may wish to cheque out Auto World Online, where we pride ourselves in preserving the elegance and power of your car.


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